Ethics in Sports Photography

Manipulating Sporting Images: From Mild to Problematic
Throughout much of the 20th and 21st centuries, photo tampering in sports photography has been an ongoing occurrence. The real question is, however, When does this manipulation of images begin to become an issue? This display of various images ranges in its degree of tampering, as well as the ethicality of each. In some cases, the authenticity and realism of the images are compromised, while others are not affected as so. Some of the images that might be considered the least problematic ethics-wise include the Andy Roddick Men’s Fitness magazine cover, the photo of Ty Cobb sliding into third base, the photo of Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods, and the photo of Lance Armstrong on the cover of Outside magazine. The more problematic images include the Fire on Ice photo, the photo of Michael Vick as a white man, the photo of the LSU football fans, the photo of the Bluffton University baseball team, and the photo of the Baylor football team. The main factors that separates the images into two categories include unfairness and the lack of virtues involved. Moreover, some of these images actually may do harm in their manipulation.
Photo Tampering
in Sports