Ethics in Sports Photography
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This image of Ty Tobb sliding into 3rd was taken by Charles Martin Conlon in 1910. The original photograph is both farther away and horizontally longer. The image was cropped and zoomed in order for viewers of the photo to see greater detail of this action shot. Although the picture has been tampered with in the form of cropping and zooming, the overall effect is not manipulated or compromised. Although this image may be considered unethical for misleading the audience, it's hardly problematic.

This photo appeared on Outside Magazine in 2010. In this image, the magazine purposely altered Armstrong's shirt to read "38. BFD." This number on his originally plain shirt is referring to his age. Although this may be considered unethical because the magazine did not get his permission, there is a note on the side stating "Not Armstrong's Real Shirt". Apparently the manipulation of the shirt was to make a "provocative statement" about his age, actually reflecting some of his positive virtues.

ESPN featured an article in 2011 labeled "What if Michael Vick were white?", addressing the latest trouble the football player was in. In this photo, ESPN photoshopped Vick as a white man. By manipulating the photo, ethics are questioned because of it being racist. This brings up the scopic regimes of black and white culture, and also the racialized gaze. It was considered offensive because the author alluded by making Vick white that he would not be in trouble if he weren't black.

This image of Ty Tobb sliding into 3rd was taken by Charles Martin Conlon in 1910. The original photograph is both farther away and horizontally longer. The image was cropped and zoomed in order for viewers of the photo to see greater detail of this action shot. Although the picture has been tampered with in the form of cropping and zooming, the overall effect is not manipulated or compromised. Although this image may be considered unethical for misleading the audience, it's hardly problematic.